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Updated: Aug 17, 2023

Shaking the Old Order

I was always interested in spiritual things as a kid. The stories Nuns told us were fascinating. In College, before I met Christ, I began to casually read my horoscope. Soon, I couldn't start my day without checking it. I then seriously considered getting a "star chart" done. Harmless, right?

Well, one day a new friend invited me to a party. This was different because I wouldn't know anyone there. I thought, "This will be cool. I won't have to worry about what people think of me. I can just be myself and not try to impress anyone.” Ha! I thought I was in control.

As the party progressed, I was enjoying myself watching people as I leaned against a wall when suddenly a girl across the way looked at me and pointed, "You're a Taurus aren't you?"

In an instant, before I could even think, I pointed back and desperately proclaimed, "Don't say another word!"

Honestly, my self-satisfied smugness was instantly shattered. It was as if a veil was opened and I realized, because I was indeed a Taurus, there was a realm I had not seriously considered and I found myself completely vulnerable to it.

Turns out, the girl was a fledgling psychic. I think my Mom's prayers were protecting me because I didn't know if she was going to curse me or what. I found myself on shaky ground- NOT in control after all.

The author of Hebrews reminds us of the promise God made, that He was going to shake the Heavens and the Earth. He then tells us we "should be extremely thankful and offer the purest worship that delights His heart, as we lay down our lives in absolute surrender... (Passion Translation)."

Why is it that we should be thankful and worship in a time of shaking? The author explains, "Since we are receiving our rights to an unshakeable kingdom ...." The TPT says the Greek word there is "paralambano". It was used in Classical Greek for someone "succeeding to a throne".

When that young psychic homed in on me, I was powerless and vulnerable. This time of shaking wants to make us feel that way too. NOT SO! The author to Hebrews says we are watching "... the final removal of the old order." It's the sign of our coming succession to sit with Christ on His throne.

It is because of this soon-to-be reality we can be thankful and worship. YAY!

Written by Tom Hovsepian from "His Table Crumbs"

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