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Ruth & Our Jubilee

The book of Ruth gives us some insight into God’s instituting the 50 year Jubilee. As you may know, Ruth was the Moabite daughter-in-law of Naomi. Naomi and her family left their home in Israel and moved to Moab with disastrous results. Naomi’s sons and husband died there, leaving Naomi destitute with only two Moabite gals who had married her sons.

Naomi’s plans were to move back to Israel so she sent her daughters-in-law away, yet Ruth wouldn’t leave. As Naomi returned to her home town, Bethlehem, with the dedicated Ruth in tow, she said to her old neighbors, “Do not call me Naomi (which means Pleasant), but call me Mara (which means Bitter). She believed God had judged her due to her wrong decisions.

But God had instituted a solution to those kinds of mess-ups we all can do.

He provided for a Redeemer- someone who could buy back those goofs we’ve all made and bring restoration. That’s where Boaz steps in. Although there was another in line as the Kinsman Redeemer, he declined because the Moabitess, Ruth, came with the deal.

It’s precisely because of Ruth that Boaz took on the role as Redeemer. Although a tainted Moabitess, Boaz saw the gold within Ruth and wanted her for his BRIDE. He paid the required price and Naomi thus was restored to a pleasant and fruitful place once again. The story ends with a listing of the heritage resulting from Boaz’s redemptive act- Obed is born, then Jesse, then King David.

The Jubilee is much the same. Every fiftieth year, no matter the mistakes or circumstances made resulting in the loss of your land, your inheritance, or your indebtedness, ALL is forgiven and you are restored to your rightful place.

Those of us planning the Church on the Mountain 50th Anniversary firmly believe this is God’s intention for our gathering. This has been continually confirmed by Him and without His direction, we would not be troubling ourselves to simply have a time to swap stories and slap backs.

God is doing something bigger. Come step in and get restored and filled with hope and your divine inheritance and anointing renewed.

Register by clicking on the link on the top of this page.

We all look forward to something quite special!


The 50th Jubilee Planning Team

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