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"His Table Crumbs"- IMPOSSIBLE

Updated: Jun 26, 2022


From the writings of Tom Hovsepian

One of the most amazing and in some ways, head scratching, stories in

the Bible is the one of Peter walking on water.

After fruitless hours at the oars, fighting a storm - remember, only four of

the twelve were fishermen (How many do you think were seasick?), they see

someone coming towards them on the water and they freak out.

The word used for fear there can actually mean “terror”. They were flat

out terrorized. Yet, once Peter hears and sees that it’s Jesus, he asks the

strangest question, “If it’s you, ask me to come out to you on the water.”

Immediately Jesus says, “Come”. He doesn’t seem to hesitate a bit. He’s

not afraid that Peter didn’t get his water walking instructions. In fact, He doesn’t

tell Peter ANYTHING except “COME”. What’s crazy is Peter gets out of the boat,

all while the other dumbfounded, jaw dropped disciples look on, and he starts

walking. He DOES the impossible.

What is interesting about this - no one got preached to, no one was

healed, delivered, or ministered to in ANY way. Peter just wanted to walk on the

water to Jesus. Now we can speculate as to “why” Peter asked this. I can imagine this

impetuous character as a fisherman, repeatedly frustrated by his nets getting

snagged. I can relate. In my fishing career, I caught way more bush and tree

limbs than Rainbows any day.

Have you ever sailed a sailboat? You know, you just can’t kick on the old

Evinrude and putt around. Think about Peter’s ordeal, fighting currents, waves,

and wind to maneuver his sailboat and untangle some mess. I wonder how many

times he yearned to just hop out, walk over and with a yank, free his net. I bet

when he saw Jesus walking around, characteristically, he spoke without thinking

and hearkened back to those wishful fantasies, “Hey, I’ve always wanted to do

that.” Regardless, what impresses me about the story today is that Peter simply

wanted to do it and Jesus was “ALL IN”.

Now when Peter gets out and walks, the scripture says, “seeing the wind,

he began to sink.” “Began to sink?” How do you begin to sink? I thought you

just SUNK? Was it a gradual downward trend as he slowly lost his faith or was it

up and down, doubt, down, faith, up until he loses it? Whatever, finally, Peter’s

overcome by fear and cries out.

The scripture says, “Jesus reached out His hand and caught him.” Whoa,

caught a full grown man, sinking into the water with ONE hand? What was that?

Then Jesus’ mind twisting statement to Peter, “You of little faith, why did you


“Little faith?” Uh, I don’t remember the last guy who had the faith to walk on

water ... do you? So here, Peter gets admonished but the dudes still in the boat

with their eyes buggin’ out, nada? Odd don’t you think?

Now, again, there is no ministry going on here. Jesus is encouraging Peter

to do what’s on his heart. May I say, childlike heart? Do you think perhaps this

vignette and Christ’s critique is purposed to evoke within us that childlike faith

that makes up the kingdom? Do you see, Christ actually affirms for Peter that the

impossible and by the way, that which may seem to have no redeeming value, is

truly possible?

What’s that thing on your heart you can’t shake? THE IMPOSSIBLE? The

thing which may seem ... childish? If there is something, like Peter, ask Him

about it. I sincerely think you’ll be surprised to hear Jesus say, without

hesitation, “COME.” Once you have that agreement, don’t let the winds, the waves,

the fears of others and those who are safely staying in the boat affect you.

Do ALL that is in your heart and watch the impossible come to pass.

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